MetalTech-Global Provides Architectural Uniformity with Horizontal Reveal Panels for Turner Industries Complexes

Architectural Zinc

Long, sleek panels of exquisite blue-grey zinc line the exterior façades of several, newly-completed Turner Industries complexes – four to be exact – located Baton Rouge, LA, Corpus Christie, TX, and Pasadena, TX. And for any visitor, it’s the first thing noticed when approaching any of the sites.

In Pasadena, TX, the 24,000 square foot addition to the already 75,000 square feet site was much more than an aesthetic conversation and exterior design whim – as was the same for the sites in Baton Rouge and Corpus Christi. These four new facilities correspond with the 50-year celebration of Turner Industries supplying industrial complexes throughout the surrounding Gulf Coast region with construction materials. And in order to honor their 50-year history and position in the long-standing industrial community, they called upon MetalTech-Global to supply and fabricate the architectural applications and metals for the renovation and additions to each site.

Turner Industries enlisted the products and services of MetalTech-Global because they wanted to present a signified, resemblance throughout each complex. “All four personnel buildings required identical design themes using almost exactly the same materials and finishes,” said MetalTech-Global Vice President of Design, Eric Simonsen, “so the task of widespread uniformity made these projects incredibly unique and the finished projects incredibly rewarding.”

So, how did MetalTech-Global provide such uniformity between all four sites? By using hundreds of thousands square feet of Rheinzink horizontal reveal wall panels containing a blue-grey finish all distributed and fabricated at MetalTech-Global in Peachtree City, GA. These reveal panels provide a wealth of design possibilities, with its choice of panel widths 8-12 in. and its variable joints widths 0-1 in. With the combined flexibility of the laying directions (horizontal, vertical, diagonal), the reveal panel offers the architect an exceptional amount of freedom in implementing design ideas – and Trahan Architects, the architectural firm that designed all four Turner Industries sites, couldn’t agree more.

All completed facilities will be eligible for Leadership Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification because of EcoChoice™, MetalTech-Global’s environmentally friendly building materials option and commitment to raising the standards of environmental consciousness in the construction field.

“We were very pleased to work with Trahan Architects from start to finish of all four complexes for Turner Industries,” said VP Eric Simonsen, “and look forward to assisting architects around the world with their special needs, ideas, and visions for design.”

For more information on changing your next idea into a sustainable reality, contact MetalTech-Global via phone at 770-486-8825, email at [email protected], or visit their website at